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Member of Parliament for Subang.

Infrastructure Repairs & Upgrades: Schools
51 schools supported
Wong Chen has always prioritised schools and education throughout his time as the Member of Parliament for Subang. He has distributed RM4,125,590 to all 51 schools and RM194,233 for 11 Tabika KEMAS, and 3 SRA & KAFA in the Subang constituency. These funds were used for repairs and upgrade work of the school infrastructures.

Infrastructure Repairs & Upgrades: Tabika KEMAS, and SRA & KAFA
11 Tabika KEMAS &
3 SRA & KFA helped

Program Bantuan Sekolah Murid B40
1,785 students aided
In 2019, the P104 office launched, Program Bantuan Sekolah Murid B40, which aims to assist 1,785 B40 students from 51 schools (35 students from each school).

Program Balik-ke-Sekolah
1,530 students helped
As schools were opening in 2021, after the 2-year lockdown, Wong Chen was concerned with the wellbeing and welfare of the students. He distributed 650 RTK-Antigen test kits to each schools amounting to RM152,490 and also disbursed RM100 to 1,530 students from the 51 schools under the Subang "Back to School" Program.
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