14 November 2019
Just a simple posting to recap my events of today. I had breakfast with my old friend Lyndon at 8.30 am. We used to play futsal together, so it was good to hear news of the boys. Then at 9.30 am to 11 am, I had a second meeting with Mr. Robert Peden, the former Chief Electoral Officer of NZ. We had a long and engaging chat on electoral systems and reforms.
Then my office had a lunch meeting at Rebung with HE Gunn Jorid Roset, the Norwegian Ambassador and her two trainees, Tuva and Jonas. Norway has been a crucial friend to my office for our research on Parliamentary reforms. My office is offering the Embassy a trainee/intern exchange program and we hope to take in Tuva and Jonas as interns in January next year for a couple of weeks.
Lastly, at Rebung I was also “kidnapped” by a group of ladies and had to answer a bunch of tough political questions. All in good fun!