20 November 2019
Good morning. Will be going to Parliament at around 8 am, I have a morning meeting there. Here are photos of my Parliamentary activities yesterday.
While a very few select MPs were having a secret “economic” meeting yesterday at 3 pm with the economic minister (who is very busy with many types of meetings except his own party leadership meetings), I actually had real Parliamentary work meetings. I had two sessions of Public Accounts Committee hearing, one was a briefing by a special select committee and the second was to finalise our report on LPG subsidy. My former/current intern Bala dropped by too, he just started his second tour of duty with us this week.
Last night, my wife and I hosted dinner for the Canadian High Commissioner HE Julia Bentley, and the New Zealand High Commissioner HE Hunter Nottage. YB Akmal joined us, together with friends. It was good to catch up with Julia, we both have a keen interest on human rights issues. It was also my first time hosting for Hunter and I was very happy to learn of his law background and expertise in international trade laws.