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Staff Member 01

JUSTICE LIVES: Rafizi Ramli Not Guilty!

15 November 2019

Am in Shah Alam High Court. The judgment is expected to be delivered around 10 am. Raf arrived at 9 am, the court is only allowing MPs into the court room. Raf is in a good mood and we are making preparations for bail in the event he is found guilty.

At 10.01 am the Judge ruled in favour of Rafizi Ramli. It was a tense judgment, started with favouring prosecution then ending in favour of Rafizi. The courtroom bursts into claps! Justice was served today.

Here are some pics in court after Rafizi and Johari were freed. Many of us were almost in tears in the court room, tears of joy!

I just want to stress that we must remember the true heroes here in this case; starting with Johari, the bank clerk and then Rafizi, the man who stood up against corruption. With their efforts, the NFC Cowgate scandal broke open and this contributed to the eventual downfall of BN.

Then after the trial started, lawyer Nizam and his team fought tirelessly for Rafizi and Johari. The victory today is from their hard work and persistence to uphold justice.

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