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Manusia Merancang Tapi Tuhan yang Menentukan

Staff Member 01

Najib’s hope that his golf buddy President Trump might help him out, took a big dent today with the breaking story that the US DoJ is continuing its investigation of Jho Low for yet another dodgy deal. This time the DoJ is investigating the sale of Coastal Energy Co, where Jho Low allegedly stole USD50 million of 1MDB’s money and then used that money to co-invest in Coastal Energy with IPIC. A week later, IPIC bought out Jho Low’s share and Jho Low profited with a cool USD300 million! With these kind of financial magic skills, Najib better make Jho Low the new Finance Minister to help boost the BN government’s dwindling revenue.

Remember Najib’s posting that he is a good golf buddy of Trump immediately after Trump was elected. Remember also the recent story of money paid to Healy Baumgardner-Nardone (a Trump lobbyist). Let’s also not forget the fantastic “supervillain” photo op when Najib met Trump at Riyadh recently (see pic below).

Poor Najib, tried very hard he certainly did. But what to do, the DoJ which also administers the FBI (think Comey’s testimony) is obviously not on the best terms of with Trump. As they say; “manusia merancang tetapi Tuhan yang menentukan”.

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