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  • Staff Member 01

Minimum Wage Discussions and PAC Meeting

22 October 2019

Good afternoon from Parliament. It has been a busy morning. I had my first meeting at 8.30 am, to discuss the issue of minimum wage with En.Dany. It was a fantastic meeting, where I learned a lot, beyond the aspirational policy targets.

Then at 9.15 am, I had a meeting with En. Sharyn of CDC, a Khazanah company. Sharyn wrote to me a week ago and requested a meeting to discuss employment opportunities for my Subang constituents. This was also a productive meeting.

Then my 10 am to noon, I had three other policy meetings with my team and Nurul Izzah’s team. Later after lunch, I will have a Public Accounts Committee meeting and this will finish around 5 pm. I will then head to Cyberjaya for an early dinner with Pak Fadhil, an Indonesian expert on palm oil. Everytime he is in town, my wife and I will host dinner for him. Lastly, I have a political meeting from 8 pm to 11 pm.


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