I have been receiving a lot of complaints on KIDEX. Please note that KIDEX does not directly affect the Kelana Jaya constituency and as such MPs who are directly affected are given priority in making public statements on the matter.
However, I do suppport my immediate neighbour and fellow PKR MP, YB Hee of PJ Selatan. He has been consistently 100% against KIDEX. I am also in total agreement with YB Gobind and YB Sivarasa on this matter.
Just before Christmas last year, I met several Pakatan Rakyat state leaders in an informal meeting with MB YAB Azmin Ali. I asked if the Selangor govt would be kind enough to prepare a legal opinion on the implications of cancelling KIDEX. I said that as a corporate lawyer, I was worried that if Selangor cancels KIDEX, the government may be sued for billions by KIDEX. To allay my fears, I wanted a legal opinion from the state legal advisor that the previous Tan Sri Khalid administration had not signed or agreed to legally support KIDEX in any action, form or manner.
Before the MB could reply, an MP intervened and said my request was unnecessary as he is extremely knowledgable that nothing ever has been signed with KIDEX. If there is no legal implications to Selangor, I suggested why not cancel KIDEX as soon as possible. The MP then said all in due time and told me that 15th February 2015 is the deadline for KIDEX to meet the preconditions of Selangor. He was extremely confident KIDEX will fail the conditions.
My research officer Gillian, will be attending a presentation by MBPJ on KIDEX tomorrow. MBPJ will be presenting results of two independent studies, one on traffic flow and the other on environment. I will report more on the matter tomorrow and publish the findings once embargo has been lifted.